Tips To Keep Your Dog Healthy This Summer

Posted on: 20 June 2023

The return of summer can be a fun time for the whole family — and that includes your dog. Perhaps you'll let Fido run around outside more often once the weather is nice. But summer can also create conditions that might be unsafe for your furry friend if you don't keep an eye on things. Here are some tips to ensure your dog can remain safe and healthy through the hot summer forecast.

Keep the Water Bowl Full

If you need more hydration in the summer while outside in the heat, it stands to reason the same logic applies to your dog. If your dog is an outdoor dog, make sure the water bowl is topped off at all times. Even for an indoor dog, you might want to direct your pet over towards the bowl (or bring the bowl to them) to encourage them to drink if the dog has been outside running around in the sun on an especially hot day.

Set Up Some Shade

If you do have a dog that loves to roam outside, make sure they have an opportunity to do so in the shade when possible. Consider setting up a canopy or another covering over the area with the dog house or the area your pet always goes to when outside. Giving your dog some shade from the sun will provide the same benefit it does for humans. Your dog will be able to stay outside longer when they don't have the sun directly beaming down.

Protect the Paws

If your dog will be walking on sidewalks or asphalt that will be especially hot in the summer, you might want to buy a set of pet booties or any other kind of covering that can be placed over the pet's paws. This will keep your dog more comfortable and will also prevent the possibility of a burn to your pooch's paw from occurring.

Know When to Cut the Walk Short

Be mindful of the weather and the temperature when taking your pet for a long walk. If your pet shows signs of distress or is clearly starting to pant and slow down, consider turning around and heading home. You may also want to bring your pet's bowl and a bottle of water for an extended trip to the local park.

Don't Leave Fido in the Car

You would never leave a baby or young child in the hot car while shopping and you should do your dog the same favor. Keep your dog at home on hot days. It's better for you to miss your dog and vice versa than for your dog to feel hot and anxious while trapped inside a hot vehicle.

For more summer dog tips, contact an animal clinic in your area.
